Trump Leans On Creative Bookkeeping to Keep Up in Cash Race

With the 2020 election just around the corner, President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign is ramping up its fundraising efforts in order to keep up with his Democratic rivals. However, recent reports have revealed that the Trump campaign has been leaning on creative bookkeeping tactics to maintain its cash flow.

According to a recent report by the New York Times, the Trump campaign has been using a number of questionable tactics to boost its fundraising numbers. One such tactic involves inflating the cost of merchandise sold on the campaign’s online store in order to boost revenue. The campaign has also been accused of using misleading language in its fundraising emails in order to convince supporters to donate more money.

In addition to these tactics, the Trump campaign has also been accused of using its fundraising events to funnel money into the president’s own businesses. For example, the campaign has reportedly held events at Trump-owned properties, allowing the president to profit from the events.

These tactics have raised concerns among campaign finance experts, who worry that the Trump campaign may be skirting campaign finance laws in order to maintain its cash flow. According to experts, these tactics could potentially violate laws that prohibit campaigns from using deceptive practices to raise money.

Despite these concerns, the Trump campaign has defended its fundraising tactics, arguing that they are legal and ethical. The campaign has also pointed to its strong fundraising numbers as evidence of its success in attracting support from donors.

However, critics argue that the Trump campaign’s reliance on creative bookkeeping tactics is indicative of a larger problem within the campaign. They argue that the president’s willingness to bend the rules in order to boost his fundraising numbers raises questions about his integrity and his commitment to transparency.

As the 2020 election draws closer, it remains to be seen how the Trump campaign’s creative bookkeeping tactics will impact its fundraising efforts. However, one thing is clear: the president will stop at nothing to keep up in the cash race.

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Liyana Parker

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