Why Isn’t Kamala Harris Running Away With the Election?

Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee for Vice President, was initially seen as a strong contender in the 2020 election. Her background as a former prosecutor and senator, as well as her strong debate performances, made her a favorite among many Democrats. However, as the election draws near, it appears that Harris is not running away with the election as many had predicted.

There are several reasons why Harris may not be dominating the race as some had expected. One key factor is the political climate in the United States. The country is deeply divided, with many voters firmly entrenched in their support for either President Trump or former Vice President Joe Biden. This polarization makes it difficult for any candidate to win over a significant majority of voters.

Additionally, Harris has faced criticism from both the left and the right. Some progressives have expressed concerns about her record as a prosecutor, particularly her tough-on-crime policies and her stance on issues such as marijuana legalization. On the other hand, conservatives have attacked her for being too liberal and for her support of policies such as Medicare for All and the Green New Deal.

Furthermore, Harris has had to contend with a barrage of attacks from the Trump campaign and its allies. They have sought to paint her as a radical leftist who would implement socialist policies if elected. These attacks have likely had an impact on some voters, particularly those who are undecided or who may be swayed by negative messaging.

Another factor that may be contributing to Harris’s struggles is the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The virus has upended daily life for many Americans and has dominated the news cycle for months. This has made it difficult for Harris to break through with her message and connect with voters in a meaningful way.

Despite these challenges, Harris still has a strong chance of winning the election. She and Biden continue to lead in most national polls, and many political analysts believe that the race is still competitive. Harris has also shown herself to be a skilled debater and campaigner, and she has the support of a diverse coalition of voters.

Ultimately, the outcome of the election will likely come down to voter turnout and the candidates’ ability to mobilize their supporters. Harris and Biden have been working hard to reach out to key constituencies, including young voters, people of color, and suburban women. If they are successful in turning out these groups in large numbers, they may be able to overcome the challenges they face and emerge victorious on Election Day.

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Liyana Parker

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